El Valle

El Valle: The municipality of El Valle is formed by the towns of Melegís, Restábal, and Saleres, with the capital in the second. The white image of the urban center of Restábal from this point is only comparable in beauty to those that can be enjoyed from the village terraces overlooking Melegís and Saleres and the authentic forest formed by orange and lemon plantations.


-San Juan Evangelista Church (Melegís): The San Juan Evangelista Church was declared a Cultural Heritage, with the Monument category, by the Ministry of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía. Built in 1560, it is one of the most interesting examples of religious architecture during the repopulation of Granada.

-Mirador de las Alvirillas (Melegís): The Mirador de las Alvirillas was built to pay homage to the emigrants who in the 50s and 60s had to leave their beloved Valle. From this viewpoint, it is possible to contemplate the tail of the Béznar reservoir, Sierra Nevada, the El Valle countryside, and the towns of Melegís and Pinos del Valle.

-Restábal Castle: This castle dates back to the 14th century, from the Nasrid period, and played the role of controlling the surrounding hamlets and acting as a checkpoint from the Valle de Lecrín to the Coast, passing through Restábal and Los Güajares.

-More information about El Valle.

  • Rural houses and farmhouses in El Valle:

-Vacation Rental

-For Sale

-Alquería los Lentos: (Camino de los molinos, 4, Nigüelas)

-Los Naranjos: (Av. Del Valle 32, Melegís)

-El Molino del Puente: (BioDúrcal) (Puente de Dúrcal S/N)

-La Venta: (Venta del Hoyo s/n, Nigüelas)

-La Huertecilla: (C/ Huertecilla 1, Cónchar)

-La Buhardilla: (Plaza los Magnolios, Dúrcal)

-Garví: (Carretera Granada 26, Talará)

-La Despensa del Valle: (C/ Santa Ana 5, Restábal)

  • Activities in the Valle de Lecrín area:

-Water activities at the Béznar Reservoir (Kayaking, pedal boats, windsurfing)

-Bungee jumping in Dúrcal

-Mountain Bike Routes

-Visits to the vineyard and wine tastings at Señorío Nevada

-Paintball and canyoning

-Lanjarón Spa