El Padul

 El Padul: It is the most populated town in the Lecrín Valley and closest to the city of Granada, making it the gateway to this beautiful valley. The Mammoth is the image and symbol of Padul because remains of this prehistoric animal were found here.

  • Places to visit and things to do in El Padul:

-Santa María la Mayor Church: The Santa María la Mayor Church houses large altars, some from the 16th century. This church is where most of the images displayed in the streets of Padul during Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday are located.

-Mammoth Route: The lagoon is a protected area of the Sierra Nevada Natural Park, covering an area of ​​approximately 300 hectares. Most of it is made up of cultivated land, and about 60 hectares are marshy and covered with vegetation. Due to its environmental importance, it has received designations such as Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA), a protected space of the Sierra Nevada National Park, and an International Importance Wetland.

 -Casa Grande: It is a building reconstructed in the 16th century on the ruins of an Arab fortress and rebuilt in 1613 by Don Antonio de Aróstegui, Secretary of State to Felipe III. This civil palace is of Baroque style, without any decorative embellishments, and its architecture stands out for its elegant proportions and balanced design.

-More information about El Padul.

  • Rural houses and country houses in El Padul:

-Vacation Rental

-For Sale

-Alquería los Lentos: (Camino de los molinos, 4, Nigüelas)

-Los Naranjos: (Av. Del Valle 32 , Melegís)

-El Molino del Puente: (BioDúrcal) (Puente de Dúrcal S/N)

-La Venta: (Venta del Hoyo s/n, Nigüelas)

-La Huertecilla: (C/ Huertecilla 1, Cónchar)

-La Buhardilla:(Plaza los Magnolios, Dúrcal)

-Garví: (Carretera Granada 26, Talará)

-La Despensa del Valle: (C/ Santa Ana 5, Restábal)

  • Activities in the Lecrín Valley area:

-Water activities at the Béznar Reservoir (kayaking, pedal boats, windsurfing)

-Bungee jumping in Dúrcal

-MTB routes

-Visits to the vineyard and wine tastings at Señorío Nevada

-Paintball and canyoning

-Lanjarón Spa